Thursday, October 30, 2008

Girl's Trip

We had our third annual girl's trip. This year we flew Stacey in and stayed in Utah. We had so much fun!! We went hiking at Snowbaisin and rode the Gondola. The views are so beautiful and we had a great time. We ate delicious Indian food and went to a fun musical rendition of BIG down in SLC. The next morning we went horseback riding at Antelope Island. It was a lot of fun to be on the horses and Antelope Island is a very pretty place. It was crazy to schedule all the kids and babies and stuff (Thanks Marilynn and Michelle and Dad!!) We had so much fun and it was great to spend some time with the girls.

Hello ladies.

Beautiful Views!

Heading up the Gondola


1 comment:

Heidi Mae said...

Looks like fun!