Thursday, March 25, 2010

Accident Prone Char

While playing at our friends house yesterday, Char decided to wander upstairs and somehow pull a table and lamp down on herself. You may be asking at this point, where was her vigilant mother? Well, in my defense, Grace was supposed to be with her. Five-year-olds can be in charge, right? Details, details. Anyway, we ran upstairs and blood was running down her head. So off to the hospital we went. Fortunately we have an in, so we skipped the ER and went straight to Dan's clinic. By this time the bleeding had stopped and the cut looked much better. Char perked up when Ellen offered her chocolate and Dan and his co-resident Jon just ended up just pulling the cut together with dermabond. So now she just looks funny with glue making her hair stick up. Hopefully she won't scar too much. She has already hit her head about ten times since then. What do you do with an almost two-year-old bent on self-destruction? Big thanks to Kami for watching the kids and feeding us! What would we do without good friends?


Mammy said...

I'm glad she's all right and that Dr. Dan is always on call - even for his own family! I luv ya little Char.

Heidi Mae said...

What a bummer! Yeah we've made that walk of shame into the clinic as well. :) Atleast her cut is in her hair line. That way it doesn't take away from that cute face of hers.

Starley Family said...

Poor Char! Your parents gave me the 1,2,3 on anchoring my bookcase again...I am getting more and more motivated to actually screw in the hardware. I don't know why it seems so difficult when I already have the pieces (I just have to find them). At least I stuck coasters under the front edge so it tilts back into the wall...

I love the David and Goliath FHE. That looks like something my girls would really get into!

Good luck with all your revisions!